AnuGod - Film3 Series

ANUGOD | pronounced “a new God” | is a Film3 series inspired by Babylonian mythology.

This unique NFT collection, featuring over 100 characters in its first release, will directly fund the production of the TV series. Each purchase supports the creation of the pilot episode, “The Cabal,” with future collections contributing to the full season.


The AnuGod NFTs are divided into tiers of rarity, representing Annunaki Gods and Goddesses, as well as Igigi Kings, Queens, Warriors, and Slaves. Each AnuGod is minted as an ERC-721 token on the Ethereum blockchain.

The project is the brainchild of Chris Mariotti leader of the noir rock band Edgar Allan Poets 

  • Thoth

  • Alorus

  • Tauthe

  • Ekimmu

  • Ishtar

  • Idadu

  • Anunit

Join The Gods


    In Los Angeles, a string of mysterious murders has the city on edge. The victims are all prominent figures in society, found lifeless with no visible signs of violence. The case is baffling, and the only one who can solve it is Virgil Hunter.


    Initially hesitant, Virgil is drawn into the investigation when his ex-wife becomes one of the victims. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets his sights on Dagan and Ishtar Nabopolassar, a powerful business couple rumored to host private parties where strange rituals are performed. Virgil suspects their involvement in the murders.


    As the investigation deepens, Virgil encounters their daughter, Beatrix, and the two form an unexpected bond. Unaware of her parents’ dark secrets, Beatrix inadvertently aids Virgil in his search for answers.


    Virgil soon discovers a hidden reality, one where powerful alien beings have been exploiting humanity for centuries. The Nabopolassar family belongs to the Igigi, demigods who seek to destroy the human race as a means to harm their enemies, the Anunnaki. 


    These ancient gods have been draining human life force, Qi Ch’i, for millennia, using it to compensate for their own inability to feel emotions. The Anunnaki have become addicted to human emotions, which they consume to survive.


    The Igigi’s goal is to deprive the Anunnaki of Qi Ch’i, knowing they cannot defeat them directly. Having failed in the past, the Igigi now aim to annihilate humanity to starve the Anunnaki of their vital source.


    Beatrix is unaware of her parents’ malevolent plans. Raised by human caretakers, she was taught values that starkly contrast with her family’s ruthless pursuit of power. What’s more, her mother Ishtar harbors a secret: Beatrix is the product of an affair with a human, making her half-goddess, half-human.

    Virgil, who grew up in an orphanage and never knew his parents, is also the offspring of a union between a human and an Igigi.


    Together, Virgil and Beatrix embody both the divine and the human. Their unique blend of supernatural abilities and genuine emotions makes them the world’s only hope. As they confront the looming threat, their bond and power might be the key to humanity’s survival.

    Series Arch


    AnuGods is a collection of over 100 Babylonian mythology-inspired characters, each categorized by rarity and uniquely generated from hundreds of elements. By purchasing an AnuGod, you’ll directly support the production of this project and help bring the full series to life.

    The Cabal - Storyboard

    A party is being held in a luxurious villa…

    A DWARF dressed as a cupid welcomes the guests, and thanks them for being present at the ritual.




    Dear exquisite devotees are you ready for the Cabal? In this celebration, we pay homage to the lands that were the cradle of our civilization. Faraway from here among the fertile lands between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Gods, Demons, and magical rites gave birth to the first cry. We owe, to this legendary and mysterious past, who we are today. Let us bow before the power of Babylon…let us abandon ourselves to universal energy…let us be overwhelmed by pleasure, vanity, and power.


    Anugod The Cabal Party
    People wearing strange masks at a party in a luxury villa

    He takes an arrow from his quiver and points the apple at the head of a girl in a bikini. Mistakes and hits the girl’s forehead. The girl falls to the ground dead. He smiles along with his guests. He claps his hands and the party begins. 

    Odalisques enter the room accompanied by waiters carrying trays full of meat, fruit, and wine.

    party, odalisques dancing, people wearing weird marks, luxury villa
    Odalisques and poeple having fun

    A young blond girl BEATRIX is joining the party only now. She is bewildered by what she sees. Beatrix is distracted by a charming dark-haired man VIRGIL who touches her shoulder and kisses her.

    A sophisticated and distinguished woman ISHTAR, (Beatrix’s mother) notices the kiss and draws the attention of a man dressed in a eccentric way DAGAN, (Beatrix’s father) indicates the kiss and imitates the movement of the lips in a funny way…they smile sarcastically.

    Beatrix and Virgil
    Beatrix and Virgil

    Meanwhile, another woman (ANUNNAKI WOMAN) reaches a tall man (ANUNNAKI MAN) and whispers something in his ear. They turn and stare defiantly at Ishtar and Dagan.

    Dagan notices them and draws Ishtar’s attention, who gazes them back. Ishtar gives them the cold shoulder and opens his hands as if to say what can we do?

    Anunnaki Man & Anunnaki Woman

    Beatrix approaches the center of the room followed by Virgil.  A WAITRESS falls in front of her when a man wearing a mask pushes her tray of glasses. The music stops and many guests begin to laugh. The frightened waitress picks up the broken glasses and the music starts again.  Beatrix looks badly at the man who pushed the servant and helps her.

    Ishtar makes her way through the guests and imperatively says…


    You don’t have to help her Beatrix, I didn’t bring you to this world to be a scullery maid! 



    Mom… it wasn’t her fault I’m happy to help her.


    I don’t want to repeat myself
    Beatrix…a frog can live in mud, but a swan must always have white feathers, so don’t get your feathers dirty and get up now!

    Beatrix frustrated leaves the room followed by Virgil.

    Beatrix helping the maid

    Dagan is dancing without taking his eyes off the Anunnaki couple. Ishtar joins him and wraps her hands around his neck, and kisses him. They look at the couple and a sharp noise pervades the room. Only the four of them hear it. Telepathically, without moving her lips, Ishtar says…

    The confrontation
    The Confrontation
    To what do I owe the pleasure?
    Creatures like you mingling between Demigods and nonsensical humans “Anthropos” leaves me thrilled.


    Well, as you can easily assume we are not particularly excited by your insane behavior.

    Since you demoted us and sent us away from Nibiru we took back some power here on the blue planet…someone once said “better to reign in hell than serve in heaven!”(laughs)

    Free will made you choose to rebel against your creators, if you are here now it is only because we have gifted you with life, otherwise you would still be just an idea in a dark and eternal limbo. You should pay us more respect and devotion!

    Made to be a slave, indeed a nice gift…I feel like a cow to humans. By the way, they are your slaves now, right?  
    Ishtar Tlepathically Speaking
    Ishtar telepathically speaking
    We prefer to call them unwitting helpers. Their QI (ch’i) is energy for us. We steal their life force, their love, and even their memories…we use everything but the oink.(she laughs lightly looking at his partner)
    Have you ever wondered why they
    age and die? Because we constantly suck QI (ch’i) from them, we slowly consume them making all “Anthropos” look like dry prunes so as to savor for a moment those rude and primordial instincts that our evolution has made us forget about. You know sometimes being Gods can be very boring! We leave to humans only what is strictly necessary to live and reproduce.
    Now too many are dying because of your power games. You have created diseases, changed the climate, and placed infamous politicians in power only to destabilize the world and create new wars. Our leaders sent us here from Nibiru to warn you so as to avoid a war between Igigi and Anunnaki. We need our “Anthropos fleshy batteries” alive and well, you must stop now!

    Oh imperative…it always sounded so bad to me.(viciously smiles) 
    Go back to Nibiru and ask your leaders what they are willing to offer for us to stop having fun with these lower beings. But before you leave, I’d like to invite you to attend the final show.

    The presenter says…

    And now the most awaited moment, the one you always greedily wait for… are you ready for the magic chant of the sublime Queen Ishtar?
    Ishtar walks on the stage while some bouncers bring in a girl and they make her sit on a chair in the center of the room. She is bewildered and fearful.
    The music subsides (a moment of tension in the room)
     Ishtar staring at the girl with a mocking smile says…
    Don’t be afraid, it will be quick!
    Ishtar Singing
    Ishtar Singing

    The singing of Ishtar is wonderful, with a peculiar and magical voice, a mix between a soprano and a bird able to hypnotize the listeners. The audience in the room is fascinated and the girl shows a moment of hope and laughs nervously. Ishtar continues to sing, the pitch becomes more and more acute. Soon the sound has such a high frequency that it is no longer audible from the human ear. The girl begins to be physically ill. All around a deafening silence and Ishtar keeps singing and staring at the girl that is having now seizures.
    Some sadists smile. The girl has a nosebleed and foam coming out of her mouth. She passes out on the chair.

    Ishtar stops and turns to the guests slightly dazed, she wipes some sweat from her forehead and slowly opens her hands holding a white handkerchief waiting for applause, as Pavarotti did after his performances.
    The ecstatic audience starts applauding and idolizing her, while the bouncers take the girl away.
    Ishtar looks at the couple with a defiant look and telepathically says…

    I hope it was to your liking!

    They don’t answer and keep staring at her for a long and interminable second. Then they back away and leave. The camera frames the wall where Ishtar’s shadow is projected…the shadow turns into a monstrous bird of prey that opens its beak and emits a terrifying cry.

    The end

    Contact Us

    If you want to write us something or collaborate, be in touch here. Dream with us!

    Were we are based

    Los Angeles, Nibiru, Mesopotamia Rome.

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